Lexi will be performing her originals and covers at ShunPike ACES – Artists of Color Expo & Symposium Summer Series on July 18th from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Location: The Studio / 2+U (1201 Second Avenue, Seattle, Washington)
From ShunPike ACES:
Join us all for FREE arts events all summer in Seattle! In the lead-up to our main event on August 17 at KEXP (Seattle Center), we will be hosting free workshops, demos, and live performances by BIPOC artists. Swipe to view our full summer calendar of events, and click the link in bio for more details! Some events require an RSVP and spaces are limited, so register now!
Presented in partnership with the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation (@pga_familyfdn). This project is funded in part by a Neighborhood Matching Fund award from Seattle Department of Neighborhoods (@seattle_neighborhoods), the National Endowment for the Arts (@neaarts), 4Culture(@kc4culture), Seattle Foundation(@seattlefoundation), the Downtown Seattle Association (@downtownseattle), and the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture (@seaofficeofarts).
#aces2024 #artistsofcolorexpo #shunpike #poweredbyshunpike